Friday, February 4, 2011

The Death of a Relationship

Hello Ma Petities,

In our lifetime each of us will see the cycle of life time and time again; in everything from the changing seasons to the birth of a new child and the passing of a loved one. Relationships go through this cycle as well. They are born in an explosion of passion, lust, and excitement. They cool to a warm loving simmer and some times they end in a fiery crash that kills any hope of rebirth or change.

We as humans can be exceedingly cruel when our emotions are painful. We say things that we don't whole heartily mean, sometimes we say things that are so hurtful that they are unforgivable.  We want so badly for the other person to feel our pain that we end up killing any emotion that they may feel for us.  In our anger and pain we forget that the other person may be hurting as well, we ignore their attempts at compromise, and we rage at them uncontrollably.  We wish them pain and suffering, we insult them,  we prey on the things that they are insecure about, and we place our misconceived perception of their actions on them.  We hurt them and hate it when they fight back.  For whatever reason we chose to do this we show our base personality and the worse parts of us.  We show what monsters we can be.  We reek such havoc that nothing can be salvaged.  We become our own worst enemy.

In times like these there is nothing that can be done.  There is no phoenix that will rise from the ashes of this destruction.  The only thing we can do is pick up the pieces of our hearts and hope that we learn from the relationship and remember the good times and hope that the people we have hurt so bad some day come to the same point. We can not hope for forgiveness and we can not hope for understanding.  The pain we cause with our actions in these types of situations is unrepairable. Our own growth is the only silver lining.

I hope Ma Petities that you never experience this on either end. I hope that my words of warning here help you to control your words, emotions and actions. I hope that you never hurt someone you "love" and who loves you so badly that you can never be forgiven. It is an awful feeling on both ends and one that ultimately un-enriches your life.