Monday, May 30, 2011

taking care of yourself

Good morning Ma Petities,

Today I want to talk to you about taking care of yourself. I know that we have talked about taking time to take care of your mental and emotional health but I want to talk to you about take care of your health as well. I want to encourage you to not ignore your body. If you don't feel well, something hurts, or you can't explain something you have going on with your body; go to the doctor.  Don't put it off, suffer through it, or ignore it. Trust your mama, ignoring your body will only lead to more pain in the long run.

Now I know some of you may be worried about going to the doctor for fear of judgement about weight or lifestyle. I encourage you to find a Doc you like and that understands that you are an indivdual. If the doc you are seeing mentions your weight, inform them that you are not their to be seen about you weight. Ask them to take of what you are there for. If they continue to harp on it remember that they are there to take care of you and that you can chose a different doctor. Do not allow yourself to be held hostage that doesn't respect you.

Now I am not saying that dieting is wrong but if you chose to diet please do it for you. Please do not do it because people, even medical professionals, are pressuring you. I suggest that you get to know your body. Learn what works for you. Not everyone is meant to be a size 2 or even a size 10. Monitor your blood pressure and blood sugar, exercise and eat healthy. Your body will find its healthy weight and wither that is 110 or 210 please know that you are beautiful, sensual, and sexy beyond belief.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

worrying about nothing

Hello Ma Petities

First I must apologize for my long absence. Your mama has been very ill and has had to have some time off

Tonight I want to talk to you about worrying about nothing. So often we women worry about things that don't matter to our men, hair, makeup, and fashion. 

We also worry about pleasing them. I know that I worry about pleasing my man quite often. even more so when I am ill, in pain, or in general having a lazy day.  I have found that quite often during those times he worries about me more than he worries about wither or not  I'm making him dinner, giving him sex, or cleaning the house. He simply wants me to feel good, be happy, and to make sure that our relationship is still strong.  He loves me so much that he would rather take care of me, comfort me, and love me than press anything on me.

I think that all of us need to trust in our loves more. We need to have faith in our relationships, believe that our loves care for us more than just what we can give them. The more we worry about pleasing them, the more we foster the seed of doubt with in our own mind.  The lack of trust we show in the ever persistent need to please can also plant seeds of doubt in our Love's mind. It also shows that we don't think that we are worthy of the love, respect, and devotion that our Love's give us. We need to believe in ourselves, believe that we are worthy.

Once we believe in ourselves I truly believe that our relationships will be stronger and better. I believe that our relationship will be enriched in amazing ways. Ladies I know how hard it is to over come the American ideal  of what is beautiful, sexy, worthy of admiration but please remember that your Love loves you for who you are, not some photo-shopped ideal on a TV screen. Try to see your self through his eyes and know that you are worthy of all the love and devotion he can give you.