Saturday, January 8, 2011


Hello Ma Petities,

I find the older I get the smarter my mama gets.  I quite often find myself giving the advice she gave to me and hoping like she hoped that whoever I am speaking to will listen to me.

So often we are given advice that while we may hear, we don't actually listen. We also may not hear what our partners are saying to us. We end up projecting our own fears, insecurities, and definitions on to what they are actually saying. This causes fights, misunderstandings and resentment to build. If we all worked to actually listen instead of inferring meaning  on what our partners are saying how much easier would our lives be. Think of the honest communications that could be had if we cleared our own meaning and took what our loved ones said at face value.

Listening to our partners is so important. Work on it babies and let your relationships go as smooth as possible

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