Monday, January 10, 2011

Taking yourself on a Date

Hello Ma Petities,

When was the last time you went out and did something by yourself?

If you can't remember then it is time to take yourself out on a date.  Take yourself out to dinner where you order what ever you want with out the pressure to seem perfect. Go to a movie that you are really interested in and indulge at the snack bar.  Splurge on just yourself, do something that you are passionate about, or take up a new hobby.

We often worry about what society will think of a woman out to dinner or a movie by herself. But in giving in to the societal pressure of being attached to either a man or an entourage we deny ourselves the fun, freedom, and independence of being alone. Being alone gives us time to recharge for our relationships, release from the social expectations that often cage us, and time to find a new and improved love for ourselves.  The cage of caring what society thinks often keeps us from experiencing the full range of life. Break free of that cage and spread those wings.  Don't be afraid of falling. Mistakes and new experiences are how we grow and to hamper those things stunt the growth that we as humans are capable of.

Life is like cooking. It is an art not a science. Experimentation, experience, and lucky mistakes are what create masterpieces in both. Don't limit yourself to society's recipe. Try some Creative cooking 101 in both your life and your kitchen.


  1. This is an excellent idea. I haven't called it a date with myself but I do have special days that I go by myself and do fun things I've been wanting to do. I write down shops I've wanted to stop in, get a wonderful coffee, buy a book just for the fun of it. Sometimes I spend hours in the library and pretend I don't have any obligations to anyone but myself. It is very freeing.

  2. I call it "Me Day". Just a day to myself doing things for "me". Things I like to do. If you feel self conscious eating alone, bring your favorite magazine or book, you don't have to worry about talking to anyone, so read away. Time will fly by.

  3. Hey this is really good...I do it probably more than I should and I don't have a fancy name for it but I love taking myself out. Movies dinner, etc. Just my time to enjoy myself. good post....check me out @
