Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Rolling with the Punches

Hello Ma Petities,

We all have that friend or love one who when change comes they dig in there heels, claw at the ground, and scream at the fact they have to change. So often these changes are caused by things that we can not change; whether that be a monumental change in our lives such as a baby, death in the family, end of a relationship or the just the luck of the draw such as layoffs, illness or a natural disaster.

We all go through these types of changes at some point in our lives and while some of us handle them with grace and dignity, those who don't make life exceedingly hard on the people who love and are around them. The people who refuse to roll with the punches make it very hard for the people who love them to help them. They yell and scream at the help and they alienate the ones who love them through this lack of give. How do you help some one who is only going to tell you that all your efforts are wrong? how do you work up the energy to give that person comfort, aid, or solace when all they will do is tell you that because it is not done the way or when they wanted it done it is incorrect and unappreciated?

I ask you Ma Petities to examine your lives. are you the one who rolls with the punches and accepts help with grace and dignity or are you the one who fights the changes and ends up pushing the people who love you away?

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