Thursday, March 17, 2011

finding the perfect fit

Good morning Ma Petities

I was curled up with my honey the other night and he did a sweet thing for me and i jokingly told him "I knew there was a reason I was marrying you." Well that statement got me to thinking. How do you know when you have found your perfect fit? I know I use to ask everyone around me who was in love how they knew it was right and most told me you just know. I, however, have a better answer to that question.

You know you have found the perfect fit when you don't sleep well with out them next to them.  You long to go out of your way to do nice things for them. You see things that makes you think of them or things that they do. you open your self to them in ways that you have never done before. You feel safe, warm, truly loved, and most importantly comfortable. You know your perfect fit when the person you are with is etched on your body, mind, and soul. They become as much a part of you as your right hand.

For my babies who are still looking for their perfect fit: when you find it you will know but I hope that the answer above gives you some things to look for if you aren't sure

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Treats for your man

Hello Ma Petities

Lately my love and I have been working on strengthening our relationship and I have found out a wonderful thing about him that I want to share with you to try on your man. My man likes to be pampered.  He likes pedicures and having me shave him.

Now my love is in no way a metro sexual guy. He works with his hand and is big and burly which I love about him so it caught me by surprise when he told me how much he enjoys being pampered.

this all started because he mentioned a place in our mall did straight razor shaves before christmas, well as a stocking stuffer I got him a gift card to go and get one. well that opened pandora's box and began the road we are on. He enjoyed the shave so much that he bought a razor, started shaving that way and on occasion having me shave him.

Also, I have been trying to work on his feet....the poor man's feet are bad, babies. He has cracks half an inch deep. So I started giving him pedicures at home to get rid of the dead skin and the calluses from hell.  well next thing I know he is asking every night if I am going to attack his feet.

well between these two things I had to ask my man's man what was going on. He blushed and admitted that he is enjoying being pampered. it is a completely new sensation for him as he has never had a partner who took as good a care of him that he took of them. He enjoys the intimacy that comes with it and I must admit I enjoy the trust that it shows between us.

So Ma Petities, take the time to find a way to pamper your man. He may be reluctant at first but I would bet that once he feels the sensation of being cared for by you he will be more than happy to indulge any time you want

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Falling in love again

Hello Ma Petities

I hope that you are welcoming the spring as a time of renewal the same way I am. As the sun comes out and the earth awakens I find that my love and passion for my honey are awakening too.

Every relationship goes through rough patches where stress, conflict, and life in general severely dampen the romance, passion and "honeymoon" love.  We all know that once that stage of a relationship is over you can't bring it back. That is true but I am here to tell you that you can have the better more mature version of it. I call it falling in love again and it really isn't hard to do but it does take effort.

You have to find a way to let your responsibilities go for a few minutes a day. take the time to be silly with your partner, to pamper them and let them pamper you, When you see something that makes that makes you think of them share it with them. Take the time each day to really look at your love and remember everything that you love about them.  Most importantly tell them every day how much you love and appreciate them.

All these things seem like such little things but we often lose the little things in the stress of everyday life. Look at your relationship. when was the last time you really looked at your partner, told them you loved them in more than just passing, laughed with them?  If it has been more than a few days for any of these you need to do some work on your relationship.

Take the time to fall in love again. Your relationship will be stronger and healthier for it.