Thursday, March 17, 2011

finding the perfect fit

Good morning Ma Petities

I was curled up with my honey the other night and he did a sweet thing for me and i jokingly told him "I knew there was a reason I was marrying you." Well that statement got me to thinking. How do you know when you have found your perfect fit? I know I use to ask everyone around me who was in love how they knew it was right and most told me you just know. I, however, have a better answer to that question.

You know you have found the perfect fit when you don't sleep well with out them next to them.  You long to go out of your way to do nice things for them. You see things that makes you think of them or things that they do. you open your self to them in ways that you have never done before. You feel safe, warm, truly loved, and most importantly comfortable. You know your perfect fit when the person you are with is etched on your body, mind, and soul. They become as much a part of you as your right hand.

For my babies who are still looking for their perfect fit: when you find it you will know but I hope that the answer above gives you some things to look for if you aren't sure

1 comment:

  1. I agree entirely. Except sometimes it isn't enough to keep you together.
