Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Being taken care of

welcome back Ma Petities,

First off i need to apologize for being Mia for the past few days but I have been sick and my honey has been taking care of me and that is where this evening's post comes from.

Now i don't know about you all but i generally hate being taken care of but my honey loves to do it so i have been working on taking it better. In doing this i have found that while i don't like it in a day to day situation i truly enjoy it when I am sick. I love that he goes out of his way to do the little things that might make me feel better especially when i know that it makes him feel better to do so.  I have found that i love seeing his manly desire to take care of his woman and to make my world better even if it is for a moment.

So perhaps babies we have been missing a chance to bond with our men in our independence.  Perhaps we should let our men take care of us and use the experience to grow our relationships and to see our men in a new light. Because babies there is nothing sexier than a man who takes care of his woman and does everything in his power to make his woman's world a bright shining place.

So babies let your man take care of you this week and see if it doesn't make your world a better place.

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