Friday, October 8, 2010

Finding the Romance

Hello Ma Petities,

I hope this evening finds you all cozied up with the one you love and wallowing in happiness.

I want to talk you about finding the romance in the little things tonight. So often we make romance out to be this grand gesture when really romance is about the little things that keep the pot of love simmering.

Instead of expecting wine and roses look for the romance in the way your love cares for you wither it be cooking dinner or bringing you a special treat on their way home from work. Spend a day off naked in bed together talking, watching tv, and cuddling. Let the physical sensation of skin against skin fuel a day of romance. I assure you that you'll find yourselves talking intimately, feeding each other, and finding a sensuality you never imagined existed in your relationship.

Take a drive through your city and look at architecture, find new places to explore and make memories together. The memories you make on these trips will stick with you longer than any cliché romantic dinner because they not only move your relationship forward but they also form an unbreakable bond between you and your love.

Find the romance in the little day to day things your love does for you. Appreciate that he always gets you a soda when he gets one for himself, that he kills the spider in the bathroom for you, or that he always makes sure that you are covered so you won't get cold at night. These are just a few examples of the romantic gestures our men make for us that so often go unnoticed. We are so brain washed by the media to think that only the gestures that hit us over the head like a two by four are romantic that we fail to see the beauty in the little day to day things that keep a relationship going.

So babies I challenge you to find the daily romance in your relationship and appreciate it. Let it fuel the fire under your pot of love to keep it simmering and hot.

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