Saturday, October 30, 2010

Dealing with a busy life

Ah Ma Petities come have a cup of coffee with me.

Your Mama is a stressed out lady and so I thought that this would be a good time to talk to you about stress and the way you should deal with it.

We all have stress in our lives and if you are anything like mama sometimes it can be overwhelming. You end up with some big plan looming in the near future and instead of looking forward to it you begin to dread it a little because of everything that gets piled on you to prepare for this plan.  This is not a fun state to be in and we all know it.  So let me give you a few tips that are helping Mama get through her crazy stress-filled days leading up to a big plan

1.) make a list of everything that needs to get done. this will help you to see all that you have to do and will also give you the satisfaction of crossing things off the list.

2.) break that list up into the days you have left before what ever you have planned. wither it be a party, wedding, or trip doing this can make the list seem less overwhelming and give you the joy of completing the tasks on your list with out the guilt of worrying about everything that hasn't been done yet.

3.) Ask for help. your man, friends, and family do not enjoy seeing you stressed out so let them help where they can. this not only lightens your load a bit but it also strengthens your relationships and builds a deeper trust in each other

4.) Try to keep calm when/if plans change. there is a saying that you should remember. it is: "men plan, God laughs." while i would like to say that this doesn't apply to us because we are women, i can't. I have a feeling that God laughs at us women more since we tend to be the planners in life. So when plans change try to stay calm and go with the flow, remember the willow and its strength.

5.) Last but not least reward yourself. the day before the plan or the day of the plan if you have the time take yourself out to the spa/ salon. get a mani and pedi, your hair washed and styled, and a little bit of make up put on. then buy yourself a cute new outfit and wear it in the very near future. pamper yourself and unwind so you can enjoy whatever it is you have planned.

we all have stressful times Ma Petities but we shouldn't allow that stress to rule our lives or create distance in our relationships. I hope these little tips will help you to de-stress the next big event in your life

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