Thursday, November 4, 2010

Asking for help

Hello Ma Petites,

your mama is a tired woman today. I have been running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to get everything on my todo list done and babies it just hasn't been happening. So its time for me to do the thing that as an independent woman i hate to do. I have to ask for help.

Now babies i know how hard it can be to do this, trust me i hate doing it myself, but there comes a time when we just have too much on our plate and we need to do it. We often brace ourselves, stutter and stammer while asking, and more often than not feel like we have failed on some level because we couldn't do it all.

Well listen to mama, we are not super woman. there is nothing wrong with asking for some help and it doesn't make you a failure. asking for help shows wisdom. It allows you to finish everything and often times do a better job as a whole because you weren't so rushed to do things that you half assed everything. Asking for help also shows trust because whoever you ask to help you wither it be  your man, girlfriend, or family member you are saying to them, "I trust you to have my back and to help me do this".  This level of trust is huge i know and i know that we often want to check up on them every ten minuets to see if they are doing it "right" or in other words the way we would do it.  But ladies listen to me when I say that if you trust them enough to ask them for help then trust that they are going to do it to the best of their ability and not screw you over. Asking them implies you trust them so go through with that and actually do it.

I think that today society has brain washed us in to believing that if we have to ask for help then we need to turn in our woman card because according to our society we should be able to be a mother, wife, career woman, girlfriend, activist, and have a hobby. now i don't know about you ladies but just the first one in that long list is a full time job. Any sane person would need help. so babies don't feel bad about asking for help. feel like you are taking care of not only the people around you but yourself as well. I know its hard but the more you do it the easier it will get i promise.

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