Saturday, November 20, 2010

Put on your Big Girl Panties and Grow Up

Hello Ma Petites

Today I have some tough love for you. I want you all to look at how you handle stress, disappointment, and strife in your lives. Do you brace your self for it, communicate with your partner through it, and handle it with grace and wisdom; or do you throw a fit, yell and scream, and all around make an ass of yourself?  If you answer the latter then here is my advice. PUT ON YOUR BIG GIRL PANTIES AND GROW UP.

Throwing a fit, yelling, and saying things you don't mean is childish and puts even more stress on your relationship. Trust me when I say that adding stress to an already stressful situation is not the way to keep your relationship healthy.  It puts your partner into a situation where they think about ending the relationship because you lack the maturity to handle life in the real world.

The truth of the matter is that relationships are hard work and often times life gets in the way of being able to give every thing to them. You have to be able to get through those times on the hope that things will get better once the stress has disappated with out making the situation worse because once your partner has the thought about ending things it is much easier to come back to that thought in times of strife.  It also puts you in a postion where you have to not only give more to the relationship after the stressful period but you are forced to do damage control to get your relationship back to a healthy point.

So Ma Petites it is time to grow up. Your relationships will be better for it I assure you

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