Saturday, November 27, 2010

spoil yourself

Good evening Ma Petities,

During this hectic and often stressful time of year we tend to forget about taking care of ourselves.  We rush around trying to make the holidays perfect for our loved ones and never stop to think about what we need. I know I do it on a real regular basis much to my man's frustration.

But Ma Petities listen to me when i say that you need to take care of yourself too or you will get burnt out. Leaving your loved ones with just a shell of the person they know and care about.  This burn out doesn't make the holidays wonderful for anyone.

So babies take the time to spoil yourself this year. spend a little money on yourself, do something for your pleasure alone,  or just take the time to decompress a little bit.  Think of it as giving yourself a gift. A gift that not only benefits you but one that also benefits your loved ones. You'll feel a hundred times better for doing just a little something for yourself.

Spoil yourself and make this holiday season a happy one for everyone including yourself.

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