Thursday, September 30, 2010

taking an adventure

Welcome Ma Petities,

I want to encourage you to take an adventure today. So often we lose our self in the hussel and bussle of our day to day lives that we don't take the time to see the possiblities for adventure all around us.

In my house we have a planned sponainaty bag. This bag includes three days worth of clothes and the essentials we need to live our lives out of our house. we throw the dogs in the car, grab the bag and then pick a direction to drive in. We have found the most beautiful places in throwing caution to the wind and just going.

our latest trip took us to the cute town of Galena, Il.  There we ate at a wonderful diner, strolled breifly along the streets and walked the dogs along the river. We were unable to enjoy as much of the town as we would have liked as we got there later in the day and like most small towns the shops were closed by five pm. The day, drive, and suprises we found made the trip a romantic getaway.

so babies don't worry about the destination. hop in the car with your love and pick a direction. you never know what you'll find but i promise you the trip will be one of the most romantic of your life.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Let your man be a man

Hello Ma Petities

So how many of us are guilty of saying I don't need help I can do it myself? I know I am. My honey and I are continuously going back and forth about the fact that I won't let him help me. It is a lesson that I am working on myself since he recently brought it to my attention that when I don't let him help me it cuts into his manliness a bit

Now i know that we went through women's lib so that we could tell men that we didn't need their help but I don't think any of us thought about how it would affect the men around us. Allowing them to help us even though we might not need it is such a little thing. yet it means so much to them. Let your man help/do something for you even if it really doesn't help. Let him know that you need him as a woman needs a man.

They make us feel needed so often. We need to find a way to balance our independence with showing our need for them. We need to let them feel like men again.

My honey teases me about the fact that disney movies make me cry with out fail. He loves the fact that his woman who is normally is so strong needs him to hold her while watching cartoons. In that moment I am the ultimate female and he is the uber man. those moments strengthen and deepen our relationship.

Ma Petites find these little moments and your relationship with blossom before you in ways you never imagined. Let your man be a man, give into your femininity and find out how much better the world is when you do so.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

appreciating old dogs

Evening Ma Petites,

My honey continuously tells me he is an old dog who can't learn new tricks. I always laugh but I think that it is a very true statement. In fact I think it is true for most men over the age of 25.  Men unlike women get set in their way very early on and babies trying to change them is a exercise in futility.

We should embrace the fact that they are old dogs. They are loyal, trustworthy, and while not the best communicators they will do all in their power to show how much they love you.

I think that we women tend to put to much stock in words. Actions speak So much louder than words do. However we always want the words, sometimes more than we want the actions. We need to step back and reevaluate our needs.  Personally i would rather have a man who does little things just to show me he loves me than all the hot air of words in the world. Wouldn't you?

Perhaps we simply need to learn to communicate in their language. If we learned how much the little actions meant would the words be as important to us? Maybe we should cut our old dogs some slack, learn to clarify what they meant, and develop tougher skin.  I think we also need to learn when we should come to the old dogs to talk. Lets face it Ma petites if you want to just rant about things your girlfriends are a better bet. Old dogs tend to be fixers, while they listen they are coming up with solutions, so if you don't want that you probably shouldn't come to them.

We women are the great communicators so why can't we find a way to communicate with our old dogs. They try so hard to communicate with us. If we put in half their effort we would be able to meet them at least half way. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to say everything in a single touch or the simple act of making them breakfast? Think of all the fights that could be avoided if before getting our feelings hurt we stopped them and said ok this is what i just heard is this what you actually meant? Think how your relationship with the loyal old dog would grow with just a little bit of effort on your part to learn a new trick.

So babies this week appreciate that old dog laying in bed next to you and make the effort to communicate in his language.  He might be a little rough around the edges but no one will love you more.

Monday, September 27, 2010

the lessons we learn from weeping willows

Ma Petities i come to you tonight after talking to my honey about how i love willows.

He thinks willows are sad. He says that trees should be strong and unmovable yet willows just hang letting the world affect them. I have to disagree. Willows are the strongest of the trees in my opinion. They don't just hang letting the world effect them but move and change with the world. Always changing and adapting to the world around them in a way that is a unique ability we women should envy. Humanity as a whole should envy it and try to learn it.

I think we women can learn a lot from willows. they are the ultimate survivors. They thrive in places with shaky foundations.  They twist and turn growing in angles that while not always the prettiest support them on ever changing landscapes. They have the amazing ability to bend and give so that they might go on. With that ability they embrace the world around them and make the most beautiful music as they dance with the wind.

So often we women feel the need to make stands and stubbornly refuse to bend. We dig our heels in and babies those spike heels hold us firmly in place. Yet in doing so we miss out on golden opportunities to learn from elders, friends, lovers, and many others. Our refusal to bend stifles the music we could be making with the world around us. It limits us and all we could do. We close doors in our life with our refusal  to bend and our stubborn resistance to change.

I fully agree that sometimes we need to stand our ground like the mighty oak tree but I think that more often than not if we took a page from the graceful willow and bent a little we would be better off as a society in general. Think of all the amazing things we could do in the world, our communities, relationships and lives if we just gave a little bit, thought out side the box, and opened our minds and hearts to change.

So Ma petities find the beauty in the graceful dance of wind in the willows, open yourself to change, and bend a little today.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

when things get messy

Ma Petities some times  your kitchen can get messy. Even when you do your best to keep up with it, lets all be honest; dirty dishes multiply like rabbits and a clogged sink can ruin a week.

 Relationships are like that too. you work your hardest to keep up with things but they just go to pot. However don't get discouraged. Look at your Relationship the same way you would tackle that messy kitchen. Everyone even mama has to get out the elbow grease occasionally and really scrub.

Start with the biggest problem wither it be the dishes that have taken over every square inch of counter space or the ex girlfriend trying to worm her way back into your man's life. Decide how best to handle it and then get to it. Don't dawdle! Ma Petities, trust me when I say the longer you wait to clean that kitchen or hash things out with your man the worse it will get.

Once you have cleaned things up you will feel a hundred times better because there is nothing better than cooking in a clean kitchen or making love to the man you love when there is nothing between you but love, trust and sweat.

So get cleaning and cleansing. start the week off right. you'll be happy you did.

good food is like good sex

welcome once again Ma Petities.

As i pulled another batch of cookies from the oven this week i was struck by the way good food can be like good sex. Now cookies are a simple treat. easy to make but utterly delicious. they warm, comfort and satisfy you in a way no other treat can. Just like sex. however just like sex a simple mistake can seriously screw up a good thing. So wither you are making a batch of cookies for your honey or cookin up a recipe for some naughty fun take your time. Let the act of preparing be part of the sumptuous act of partaking of your treat.

cookies like sex also come it a wide and sometimes surprising flavors. I encourage you all to not judge a cookie or sex by what you think. but by the way the flavor sinks into and makes your body sing. Sugar cookies are all well and good but the wicked flavors of a double chocolate kiss will haunt your taste buds for hours. So it is with sex. Don't let fear keep you from walking on the wild side and creating your own haunting recipe.

Welcome to the dark side Ma Petities have a cookie ;)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

love lessons

Evenin'  Ma Petities...

while looking over my kitchen today I decided that I wanted to talk to you about love today. Now I am a firm believer in the old saying that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. I think every woman should know how to cook so that she can put her love into the food she serves her man. because food my babies is how we can all connect with one another.

with a good home cooked meal you can heal the bruises inflicted by a hard day in the world, soothe hurt feelings, enrich a love, and make a sensual foray into mental foreplay.

now i can hear all you feminist out there raging at me about thinking that all women should know how to cook. But listen to mama when i say that looks and personality may hook a man but a woman who can cook will keep her man.

don't let cooking be a chore. make it sensual, comforting, and full of love. in doing this you will find that not only does your ability to love grow but the love that you and your partner have will blossom into full bloom.

welcome to my kitchen of love

hello ma petities and welcome to my kitchen. pull up a chair, have a cookie and listen as mama shy tells you the secrets of life.

my first lesson to you all is that life is not about destination but about your journey.  Everyone is a sum of all their life experiences; some of which you have to over come and others that you wish you could wrap around you and keep always. enjoy your journey babies. savor it like a good meal. let every moment fill you up.

Now mama isn't saying that you shouldn't have a destination in mind but don't be so focused on that destination that you miss out on the beauty of the simple things around you today in this very moment or the joy of being able to taking a side trip to broaden your horizons with a moments notice.

I want you all to stop at least once today and revel in a small thing. wither it be enjoying the complexities of  the meal you are eating, wallowing in the sensation of cool sheets against your skin or losing your self in the scent of a late blooming rose.

enjoy the world around you ma petities. let it enrich your life and make you wiser.