Monday, September 27, 2010

the lessons we learn from weeping willows

Ma Petities i come to you tonight after talking to my honey about how i love willows.

He thinks willows are sad. He says that trees should be strong and unmovable yet willows just hang letting the world affect them. I have to disagree. Willows are the strongest of the trees in my opinion. They don't just hang letting the world effect them but move and change with the world. Always changing and adapting to the world around them in a way that is a unique ability we women should envy. Humanity as a whole should envy it and try to learn it.

I think we women can learn a lot from willows. they are the ultimate survivors. They thrive in places with shaky foundations.  They twist and turn growing in angles that while not always the prettiest support them on ever changing landscapes. They have the amazing ability to bend and give so that they might go on. With that ability they embrace the world around them and make the most beautiful music as they dance with the wind.

So often we women feel the need to make stands and stubbornly refuse to bend. We dig our heels in and babies those spike heels hold us firmly in place. Yet in doing so we miss out on golden opportunities to learn from elders, friends, lovers, and many others. Our refusal to bend stifles the music we could be making with the world around us. It limits us and all we could do. We close doors in our life with our refusal  to bend and our stubborn resistance to change.

I fully agree that sometimes we need to stand our ground like the mighty oak tree but I think that more often than not if we took a page from the graceful willow and bent a little we would be better off as a society in general. Think of all the amazing things we could do in the world, our communities, relationships and lives if we just gave a little bit, thought out side the box, and opened our minds and hearts to change.

So Ma petities find the beauty in the graceful dance of wind in the willows, open yourself to change, and bend a little today.

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