Sunday, September 26, 2010

good food is like good sex

welcome once again Ma Petities.

As i pulled another batch of cookies from the oven this week i was struck by the way good food can be like good sex. Now cookies are a simple treat. easy to make but utterly delicious. they warm, comfort and satisfy you in a way no other treat can. Just like sex. however just like sex a simple mistake can seriously screw up a good thing. So wither you are making a batch of cookies for your honey or cookin up a recipe for some naughty fun take your time. Let the act of preparing be part of the sumptuous act of partaking of your treat.

cookies like sex also come it a wide and sometimes surprising flavors. I encourage you all to not judge a cookie or sex by what you think. but by the way the flavor sinks into and makes your body sing. Sugar cookies are all well and good but the wicked flavors of a double chocolate kiss will haunt your taste buds for hours. So it is with sex. Don't let fear keep you from walking on the wild side and creating your own haunting recipe.

Welcome to the dark side Ma Petities have a cookie ;)

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