Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Let your man be a man

Hello Ma Petities

So how many of us are guilty of saying I don't need help I can do it myself? I know I am. My honey and I are continuously going back and forth about the fact that I won't let him help me. It is a lesson that I am working on myself since he recently brought it to my attention that when I don't let him help me it cuts into his manliness a bit

Now i know that we went through women's lib so that we could tell men that we didn't need their help but I don't think any of us thought about how it would affect the men around us. Allowing them to help us even though we might not need it is such a little thing. yet it means so much to them. Let your man help/do something for you even if it really doesn't help. Let him know that you need him as a woman needs a man.

They make us feel needed so often. We need to find a way to balance our independence with showing our need for them. We need to let them feel like men again.

My honey teases me about the fact that disney movies make me cry with out fail. He loves the fact that his woman who is normally is so strong needs him to hold her while watching cartoons. In that moment I am the ultimate female and he is the uber man. those moments strengthen and deepen our relationship.

Ma Petites find these little moments and your relationship with blossom before you in ways you never imagined. Let your man be a man, give into your femininity and find out how much better the world is when you do so.

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