Tuesday, September 28, 2010

appreciating old dogs

Evening Ma Petites,

My honey continuously tells me he is an old dog who can't learn new tricks. I always laugh but I think that it is a very true statement. In fact I think it is true for most men over the age of 25.  Men unlike women get set in their way very early on and babies trying to change them is a exercise in futility.

We should embrace the fact that they are old dogs. They are loyal, trustworthy, and while not the best communicators they will do all in their power to show how much they love you.

I think that we women tend to put to much stock in words. Actions speak So much louder than words do. However we always want the words, sometimes more than we want the actions. We need to step back and reevaluate our needs.  Personally i would rather have a man who does little things just to show me he loves me than all the hot air of words in the world. Wouldn't you?

Perhaps we simply need to learn to communicate in their language. If we learned how much the little actions meant would the words be as important to us? Maybe we should cut our old dogs some slack, learn to clarify what they meant, and develop tougher skin.  I think we also need to learn when we should come to the old dogs to talk. Lets face it Ma petites if you want to just rant about things your girlfriends are a better bet. Old dogs tend to be fixers, while they listen they are coming up with solutions, so if you don't want that you probably shouldn't come to them.

We women are the great communicators so why can't we find a way to communicate with our old dogs. They try so hard to communicate with us. If we put in half their effort we would be able to meet them at least half way. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to say everything in a single touch or the simple act of making them breakfast? Think of all the fights that could be avoided if before getting our feelings hurt we stopped them and said ok this is what i just heard is this what you actually meant? Think how your relationship with the loyal old dog would grow with just a little bit of effort on your part to learn a new trick.

So babies this week appreciate that old dog laying in bed next to you and make the effort to communicate in his language.  He might be a little rough around the edges but no one will love you more.

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