Friday, December 31, 2010

fighting fair

Good Morning Ma Petities,

You mama is very disappointed in her self. I got into a fight with someone I loves very much and I said somethings that hurt that person a lot. No matter how bad I feel about saying them in the heat of the moment or how many times I apologize for doing it, I know that they can not be taken back. I know that they will have to be worked through for our relationship to heal. However Ma Petities, this fight taught me something that I can now pass on to you.

Little things in your relationship that bother you and you back burner do not cool off or stop cooking. In fact putting them on the back burner can lead to a pot boiling over when you are least expecting it. Its like a pot left on the back burner of a stove where the oven is on below it. You set it there to get it out of the way but keep it warm and when you aren't looking the heat of the over turns it red hot and burns the bottom of what ever you were keeping warm. So it is with the little hurts and upsets that every relationship has. you put them on that back burner because other things in life are more important or more pressing and when you aren't paying attention the heat from everyday life has them overcooked and you and your loved one are sitting across the room screaming at each other over things that aren't really all that important and words get said because of all that heat that you don't really mean and regret deeply afterwards.

So Ma Petities take it from some one who knows, don't let the little things build up, don't put them on the back burner and forget about them. Open up and deal with them right then and there if you can and don't let more than 24 hours go with out dealing with them. It is a whole lot easier to clean up a small mess in the kitchen than it is to clean up the pot that explodes from to much heat.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas Ma Petities,

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and are getting ready for a spectacular New Year.

I want you all to think about the glee you had as children about this time of year. So often as adults we get so wound up in the busyness of thing that we forget the magic. I hope that you all are able for at least a moment to put aside the stresses of day to day adult life and allow yourself to get caught up in the magic of the season. Apprecate the beauty of snow covered trees, wallow in the aroma of lovingly prepared meals cooking, delight in the presents under the tree, and belive in the magic of christmas once again.

Find your child-like glee, lose your worries in the magic. It will recharge you in a way you would have never thought.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Want to Vs Have to

Good Morning Ma Petities,

I had an interesting conversation with my love the other day about how I didn't have to get him the tools to begin his mead making again for Christmas.  I laughed at him and told him that Christmas was not about have to but about want to. This conversation made me think about how often we do things for a partners out of a have to mental state.

I often tell my love that having dinner or breakfast ready when my love comes home from work because that is my responsibility in our relationship. He often tells me how I don't have to do it or how if I am tired I should just rest.  While I tell him that it is my responsibility which can come across as a have to attitude I don't feel that I have. I want to do that for him, I want to take care of him the same way he takes care of me.

My kitchen is not a place of have to's but a place of want to's. it is a place where I can show a physical representation of my love, devotion, and care for my loved ones. I think that often times we do things for our partners that are want to's but because of our presentation come across as have to's.  We need to think about the way we present our acts of love to our partners so that they know that we do not feel like we are forced into doing things for them but do them out of a desire to show how much we love them.

Take the time today to evaluate how you show your appreciation to your loved one. Does it come across as a want to or a have to? If it comes across as a have to make sure that you are actually doing it for the right reasons and then make sure your partner knows how much you want to do special or day to day tasks for them. Show them the want to of  your actions so that they know everyday how much you care. Don't let it be just during this holiday season that you make the want to's known.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Banned from the Kitchen

Hello Ma Petities,

Today I would like to talk to you about how angry I have been with a member of our sex. I have been so angry that I have banned her from the warm and love of my kitchen.  Babies, there are things that you just shouldn't do. You should never use your children as leverage. Nor should you try to take siblings away from each other. In your mama's eyes these are unacceptable actions.

Getting banned from the kitchen is hard to do but once it is done it takes a lot of time and work to get back into its warmth, comfort, and love.  I think that there comes a time in all bad relationships; whether it is a romantic, platonic, or blood relationship; that the person being used, abused, or in general treated badly comes to the realization the they have had enough. Once that realization comes there is no going back.  The person at fault can not gloss over it any more and that is when you get banned from their heart or in mama's world the kitchen.

The work that is required to get back to a good healthy relationship is difficult for both parties. The one who has had enough has to be over not only the anger but also the resentment and bitterness that comes with it. They have to be in a healthy emotional space where they can forgive which can take years to attain. The party that has taken advantage of the other person must be able to admit that they were wrong, be willing to ask and do what it takes to mend that relationship, and be able to be patient while the other party gets past the injury and starts to rebuild the trust that all relationships require.

Even once this is done the Kitchen will never be the same. Things will always be slightly out of place and on the edge of tumbling to the ground. The relationship will require more work on every one's part and even then it may not make it back to the strength it once had.

So babies take stock of your kitchen, clean out the messes in it, and make sure that you are loving, respecting, and liking everyone in it. Also make sure that everyone in it is doing the same for you. Because honey trust me when I say you don't want to be banned from mama's kitchen.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Creating a new family

Good Morning  Ma Petities

As I get ready to make breakfast this morning I feel compelled to talk you about how sometimes you have to create a new family.

Sometimes our actual family isn't healthy for us. Sometimes a member of our blood family is like a bruised or rotten section of potato. They drain energy, happiness, our strength, and need to be cut out so that the rest of family can remain healthy. Cutting this member out can be hard and often times down right terrifying but babies there comes a time when it is the only option to keep them from poisoning the rest of the family. I know that this process is difficult and seems harsh but the bright side of it all is that once you cut out that yucky part you can bring in good healthy people and make a new family.  You can take that potato and add another to it and mash it up to make delicious food that is good for you, strengthens you, feeds your energy, and is just down right yummy. The new relationships you add, while they may not replace the person you had to remove, will make you and your family better. They are also a great support system as you go through the cutting process. Don't be afraid of leaning on them. tell them your fears and allow them to help you. Allow their love to hold you up and comfort you. Doing so will only make your and your family's bond with them stronger.

I want you to take stock of your family babies. Do you have a rotten part that is making the whole group sick?  If so its time to do some cutting. Remember you'll be healthier for it and so will your whole family.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Taking care of the babies

Hello Ma Petities,

Tonight your mama is very disappointed in a member of our sex. She wants all of you with childern to listen very closely.  Children are a blessing not tools to be used to enrich your standing or keep men around.

Listen to me babies. Take precious care of your babies. Love them and do everything in your power to give them a wonderful childhood and a fighting chance to be healthy adults. 

Children are like stew. they can come out wonderful, flavor filled, rich and hearty or they can come out weak, runny, lacking flavor and just plain awful. It all comes down to what you put into them and how you cook them.  Put in good ingredients, cook them long and slow, and you will have children that are wonderful and look back on you with love, respect, and trust.  Put in bad ingredients, force them to grow up faster than they should, and they will look back on you with distrust, lack of respect and you will end up losing them.

No mother has any right to blame their child for their own bad decisions. So babies don't you screw up your little ones or you'll have mama to deal with.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas Cookies

Hello Ma Petities,

I hope your house is filled with the warmth from a hot oven and the smell of sugary delights like mine is today.

Every year I make a list of sugary treats I am going to bake for this magical time of year. i buy the supplies and then take two or sometimes three days out of this hectic time of year to make several dozen of each type that makes the list. Then after they have been cooled and have tantalized me with their smell that promises sinful delight I carefully wrap them up in assorted tins and ship them to my loved ones.

My loved ones rarely know how much time and effort goes into creating this simple treat.  They never see the long list of traditional and new recipes that I  pour over to get just the right amount of home mixed with the excitement of something new. They never see the long hours spent mixing and slaving over a hot stove so that they can get a taste of home, love, and Christmas cheer every year. However, every year I am sent praise and thank you's for these tins of love. While my loved ones may never know how much work goes into them they always make it completely worth the work with their heart felt thanks.

My Christmas cookies are like relationships; while my loved ones may never know how much work I put in to make it happen they show me that all that work isn't in vain.  They make it worth all the work that I put in. As a very dear friend of mine says "They make the juice worth the squeeze"

While family tradition is what made me chose cookies to show how much I love them, I encourage all of you to find that special treat that only you do for them. Give them something that comes with the opportunity to show not only their love for you but also their gratitude for all that you do through the year. Find your special tradition and let the love from this tradition fill your home with the magic of Christmas and renew your spirit for another year.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Taking in the little moments

Hello Ma Petities,

How often in your daily life do you take the time to enjoy the little moments of loving  you have with your partner? Do you even realize that you have them or do they get brushed aside in the hussel and bustle  of everyday life?

If you don't even realize you are having them then perhaps it is time to reevaluate your daily life.  so often we miss the little moments we have with our partners. They happen all the time even if you are missing them. Look for them. they are quite often found in times where we are most often rushed.

the little moments are things like a long hug before he walks out the door, a moment of togetherness. These moments sustain our relationships through the hard times but also through the times when life just makes it hard to spend any real time together. they are the snack in the middle of the day that gets us to the big meal of the day. These relationship snacks are so important to the relationship as a whole yet often they are missed because we over look them or simply expect them.

Every time you feel that you and your partner aren't connected or that you need more of time, love or contact look for the little moments. sit in the bathroom and talk to your partner, hug your love tightly for no reason at all, do something sweet for them, take the time to show your partner how much you love them and take in the moments where they show you how much they love you.

Babies take the time not only to smell the roses in your life but also take the time to appreciate the little moments in your relationship. You will find yourself more fulfilled and happier in all aspects of your life if you do.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Falling Down

Hello Ma Petities

Sometimes it takes a painful experince to remind us of the simple things in life. Last night I fell down and ended up with a bruised bottom and a very bruised ego. It reminded me that we all need help at some time.  As my love was helping me up I came to the realization that while we often ask for help with physical things we rarely ask for help with emotional things.

This is an unfortinate trait. We should be willing to share what we are going through emotinally with our loved ones yet we so often we are scared to do this. We feel that if we need help we are weak, unhealthy, or needy. Trust me when I say this is not the case. Asking for help with the things we going through emotionally actually makes our relationships stronger and shows our own internal strength.

As we cope with or work through emotional difficulties we should lean on our partners. Talk to them, trust in them and show them that you not only want them to be a part of your life physically but mentally and emotionally as well. You trust them with your body, now you need to trust them with your heart as well.

I am well aware of how frightening it can be to take this step. However, to have a healthy relationship you need to open up to your partner. So open your heart and tell your love what is going on in your head and heart. Your relationship will be stronger for it. 

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Giving thanks

Hello Ma Petities

How many of  you are running around like chickens with their heads cut off as you prepare for the upcoming holiday?  My guess would be most of you are.  You are worried about getting gifts, decorating, wrapping said gifts, prepping Christmas dinner, and baking those cookies for Santa.  Your plate is way to full for you to stop even for a moment right? Wrong!

Babies, stop for a moment every day and survey what you are grateful for. You wouldn't be doing all this running around if you were grateful for something but do you even know what it is. Can you list what you are grateful for? If you can't then you need to look at your priorities. This holiday season isn't about your to do list. It is about showing your love for the important people in your life.

Every day I look at my honey and I silently give thanks that he is in my life. I try to show him how much I love him through every thing I do. I have spent more than he thinks I should to make sure that this holiday is wonderful for him, but I didn't do this to keep up with the Jones or because that is what is expected by society.  I did it because I want to show him how thankful I am to have him in my life.

Do your loved ones know how much they mean to you? Have you given thanks for them and the life you have because of them? Or have you just been wrapped up in the commercialized part of this holiday season?

Show your loved ones how grateful you are that they are in your life and this holiday season will be one of the best you have ever had no matter how big or small it is.