Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Banned from the Kitchen

Hello Ma Petities,

Today I would like to talk to you about how angry I have been with a member of our sex. I have been so angry that I have banned her from the warm and love of my kitchen.  Babies, there are things that you just shouldn't do. You should never use your children as leverage. Nor should you try to take siblings away from each other. In your mama's eyes these are unacceptable actions.

Getting banned from the kitchen is hard to do but once it is done it takes a lot of time and work to get back into its warmth, comfort, and love.  I think that there comes a time in all bad relationships; whether it is a romantic, platonic, or blood relationship; that the person being used, abused, or in general treated badly comes to the realization the they have had enough. Once that realization comes there is no going back.  The person at fault can not gloss over it any more and that is when you get banned from their heart or in mama's world the kitchen.

The work that is required to get back to a good healthy relationship is difficult for both parties. The one who has had enough has to be over not only the anger but also the resentment and bitterness that comes with it. They have to be in a healthy emotional space where they can forgive which can take years to attain. The party that has taken advantage of the other person must be able to admit that they were wrong, be willing to ask and do what it takes to mend that relationship, and be able to be patient while the other party gets past the injury and starts to rebuild the trust that all relationships require.

Even once this is done the Kitchen will never be the same. Things will always be slightly out of place and on the edge of tumbling to the ground. The relationship will require more work on every one's part and even then it may not make it back to the strength it once had.

So babies take stock of your kitchen, clean out the messes in it, and make sure that you are loving, respecting, and liking everyone in it. Also make sure that everyone in it is doing the same for you. Because honey trust me when I say you don't want to be banned from mama's kitchen.

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