Thursday, December 2, 2010

Giving thanks

Hello Ma Petities

How many of  you are running around like chickens with their heads cut off as you prepare for the upcoming holiday?  My guess would be most of you are.  You are worried about getting gifts, decorating, wrapping said gifts, prepping Christmas dinner, and baking those cookies for Santa.  Your plate is way to full for you to stop even for a moment right? Wrong!

Babies, stop for a moment every day and survey what you are grateful for. You wouldn't be doing all this running around if you were grateful for something but do you even know what it is. Can you list what you are grateful for? If you can't then you need to look at your priorities. This holiday season isn't about your to do list. It is about showing your love for the important people in your life.

Every day I look at my honey and I silently give thanks that he is in my life. I try to show him how much I love him through every thing I do. I have spent more than he thinks I should to make sure that this holiday is wonderful for him, but I didn't do this to keep up with the Jones or because that is what is expected by society.  I did it because I want to show him how thankful I am to have him in my life.

Do your loved ones know how much they mean to you? Have you given thanks for them and the life you have because of them? Or have you just been wrapped up in the commercialized part of this holiday season?

Show your loved ones how grateful you are that they are in your life and this holiday season will be one of the best you have ever had no matter how big or small it is.

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