Sunday, December 5, 2010

Falling Down

Hello Ma Petities

Sometimes it takes a painful experince to remind us of the simple things in life. Last night I fell down and ended up with a bruised bottom and a very bruised ego. It reminded me that we all need help at some time.  As my love was helping me up I came to the realization that while we often ask for help with physical things we rarely ask for help with emotional things.

This is an unfortinate trait. We should be willing to share what we are going through emotinally with our loved ones yet we so often we are scared to do this. We feel that if we need help we are weak, unhealthy, or needy. Trust me when I say this is not the case. Asking for help with the things we going through emotionally actually makes our relationships stronger and shows our own internal strength.

As we cope with or work through emotional difficulties we should lean on our partners. Talk to them, trust in them and show them that you not only want them to be a part of your life physically but mentally and emotionally as well. You trust them with your body, now you need to trust them with your heart as well.

I am well aware of how frightening it can be to take this step. However, to have a healthy relationship you need to open up to your partner. So open your heart and tell your love what is going on in your head and heart. Your relationship will be stronger for it. 

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