Friday, December 31, 2010

fighting fair

Good Morning Ma Petities,

You mama is very disappointed in her self. I got into a fight with someone I loves very much and I said somethings that hurt that person a lot. No matter how bad I feel about saying them in the heat of the moment or how many times I apologize for doing it, I know that they can not be taken back. I know that they will have to be worked through for our relationship to heal. However Ma Petities, this fight taught me something that I can now pass on to you.

Little things in your relationship that bother you and you back burner do not cool off or stop cooking. In fact putting them on the back burner can lead to a pot boiling over when you are least expecting it. Its like a pot left on the back burner of a stove where the oven is on below it. You set it there to get it out of the way but keep it warm and when you aren't looking the heat of the over turns it red hot and burns the bottom of what ever you were keeping warm. So it is with the little hurts and upsets that every relationship has. you put them on that back burner because other things in life are more important or more pressing and when you aren't paying attention the heat from everyday life has them overcooked and you and your loved one are sitting across the room screaming at each other over things that aren't really all that important and words get said because of all that heat that you don't really mean and regret deeply afterwards.

So Ma Petities take it from some one who knows, don't let the little things build up, don't put them on the back burner and forget about them. Open up and deal with them right then and there if you can and don't let more than 24 hours go with out dealing with them. It is a whole lot easier to clean up a small mess in the kitchen than it is to clean up the pot that explodes from to much heat.

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