Saturday, December 11, 2010

Taking care of the babies

Hello Ma Petities,

Tonight your mama is very disappointed in a member of our sex. She wants all of you with childern to listen very closely.  Children are a blessing not tools to be used to enrich your standing or keep men around.

Listen to me babies. Take precious care of your babies. Love them and do everything in your power to give them a wonderful childhood and a fighting chance to be healthy adults. 

Children are like stew. they can come out wonderful, flavor filled, rich and hearty or they can come out weak, runny, lacking flavor and just plain awful. It all comes down to what you put into them and how you cook them.  Put in good ingredients, cook them long and slow, and you will have children that are wonderful and look back on you with love, respect, and trust.  Put in bad ingredients, force them to grow up faster than they should, and they will look back on you with distrust, lack of respect and you will end up losing them.

No mother has any right to blame their child for their own bad decisions. So babies don't you screw up your little ones or you'll have mama to deal with.

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