Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas Cookies

Hello Ma Petities,

I hope your house is filled with the warmth from a hot oven and the smell of sugary delights like mine is today.

Every year I make a list of sugary treats I am going to bake for this magical time of year. i buy the supplies and then take two or sometimes three days out of this hectic time of year to make several dozen of each type that makes the list. Then after they have been cooled and have tantalized me with their smell that promises sinful delight I carefully wrap them up in assorted tins and ship them to my loved ones.

My loved ones rarely know how much time and effort goes into creating this simple treat.  They never see the long list of traditional and new recipes that I  pour over to get just the right amount of home mixed with the excitement of something new. They never see the long hours spent mixing and slaving over a hot stove so that they can get a taste of home, love, and Christmas cheer every year. However, every year I am sent praise and thank you's for these tins of love. While my loved ones may never know how much work goes into them they always make it completely worth the work with their heart felt thanks.

My Christmas cookies are like relationships; while my loved ones may never know how much work I put in to make it happen they show me that all that work isn't in vain.  They make it worth all the work that I put in. As a very dear friend of mine says "They make the juice worth the squeeze"

While family tradition is what made me chose cookies to show how much I love them, I encourage all of you to find that special treat that only you do for them. Give them something that comes with the opportunity to show not only their love for you but also their gratitude for all that you do through the year. Find your special tradition and let the love from this tradition fill your home with the magic of Christmas and renew your spirit for another year.

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